

International Congress of Intellectual Property and the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska took part in this year’s celebration of the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, which coincided with the organization of the International Intellectual Property Congress.   We are glad that events of this type are organized in Poland and that our representatives take part in...
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Work on Study Question Committees before the AIPPI World Congress.

Members of our IP team are taking an active role in preparing responses to Study Question Committees SQ 285, ‘Proof of trade mark use’. Studying the draft resolution is hard work , but it shows how many important doubts and questions still need to be answered. We will be very pleased to meet you at...
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Open day – postgraduate Intellectual Property (IP) Law for lawyers at the Kozminski University

On September 25, 2023, Klaudia Błach-Morysińska, as a member of the Zaborski Morysiński team, conducted a lecture entitled “Agreements in Industrial Property Law and Related Litigation. We are happy and proud that, apart from her professional activities, Klaudia shares her knowledge and experience gained as part of various projects and events.
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Woman in Law Foundation

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska is this year’s supporting mentor in the mentoring program of the Woman in Law foundation. Zaborski Morysinski Law Firm implements the policy of wellbeing and work-life balance and firmly believes that these are not empty, hype slogans, but real problems that need to be faced. Klaudia, as an experienced and respected lawyer, helps...
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International conference “Emerging issues in licensing and enforcement of Standard Essential Patents” in Warsaw, 7-8 September 2023

On September 7-8, 2023 in Warsaw, the first international conference devoted to the so-called SEP patents took place. Leading personalities in the field of SEP patents were invited to participate in the discussion, including outstanding experts from Polish and foreign universities, business representatives and representatives of the European Commission and the Intellectual Property Office in...
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41th Annual Conference ECTA 2023 in Prague

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska, as a member of the Zaborski Morysiński team, took part in the ECTA (official) 41st Annual Conference, where she took an active part in the work of the Law Committee as its chairman and the ECTA Supervisory Board. Klaudia was also a panelist at the session on intellectual property on the Internet “A...
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska in the ECTA bulletin on proving genuine use in the article “Spotlight on Providing Genuine Use”

The ECTA 2023 bulletin published an article by Klaudia Błach-Morysińska – regarding the genuine use of the trademark in the context of BIG MAC case. The article discusses European and Polish case law in the field of genuine use of the mark and its providing. We invite you to read!
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Zaborski, Morysiński conducts lectures for the youngest.

As in previous year Klaudia Błach-Morysińska had the pleasure to conduct a special lecture on the intellectual property protection in a Primary School no. 75 in Warsaw. We are glad that we are participants in such meetings and we are convinced that legal education at an early age is needed and that young people benefit...
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Klaudia Błach Morysińska ranked in TRADE MARK STARS 2023

We are pleased to announce that Klaudia Błach Morysińska is listed  in the prestigious ranking of Trade Mark Stars services compiled by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP)IP STARS. IP STARS is an annual publication based on reviews submitted by firms, publicly available information, and market feedback. MIP research team obtain information from thousands of firms, IP...
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Lectures for Trademark and patent attorneys in trainees

As in previous years, also in this edition I had the pleasure to conduct classes for trainee attorneys within the framework of the application conducted by PIRP | Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys . I introduced the subject of IP proceedings and their interrelationships.   This year’s meeting was held live at PIRP’s headquarters. It...
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