
Klaudia Błach-Morysińska ekspertem Ministerstwa Finansów w pracach nad IP Box

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska as an expert of Ministry of Finace in works on IP Box

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska from Zaborski, Morysiński is an expert on intellectual property of the Ministry of Finance while working on preferential taxation for companies conducting research and development works – IP Box. The new innovation box will be a favourable solution for innovative companies. The project is currently in the public consultation phase. The planned entry...
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Spotkaj się z Kancelarią Zaborski, Morysiński podczas 2018 AIPPI World Congress w Cancun

Meet ZM Legal during 2018 AIPPI World Congress in Cancun

We will be delighted to meet you during 2018 AIPPI World Congress in Cancun. Klaudia Błach-Morysińska from ZM Legal will be attending the conference from  September 23rd until September 26th. The conference  will be great opportunity to learn more about each other’s businesses and build up or strengthen cooperation. Please feel free to learn more...
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Zaborski, Morysiński partnerem 37 Koszalińskiego Festiwalu Debiutów Filmowych Młodzi i Film

Zaborski, Morysiński is the official partner of 37 Film Festival the Youth and the Film – the Festival of Film debuts in Koszalin

Our law office became a partner of the Koszalin’s  Debuts Young Film Festival once again. As in previous editions, we conducted legal workshops prepared especially for the film industry. This year, attorney at law  Łukasz Morysiński discussed the issues related to the use of real stories and based the scenario on earlier works. Thank you...
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Zaborski, Morysiński na konferencji ECTA w Atenach

Zaborski, Morysiński at the ECTA conference in Athens

On 13-16 June 2018 in Athens, the ECTA conference “Gods in transit” took place. Attorney and patent attorney Klaudia Błach-Morysińska represented Kancelaria Zaborski, Morysiński. Klaudia Błach-Morysińska took an active part in the meeting as a member of the Law Committee, who entrusted her with the function of Secretary of the Committee. Interesting sessions and lectures...
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska o ostatnich zmianach w prawie własności przemysłowej w The Trademark Lawyer

Klaudia Błach-Morysinska and Maciej Bugalski discuss the bad faith trademark in The Trademark Lawyer

In the latest number of the Trademark Lawyer Issue 3/2018, Klaudia Błach-Morysinska and Maciej Bugalski from Zaborski, Morysiński discuss crucial role of bad faith trademark use and existance in Polish law.  The article gives an in-depth explanation of the law regulation and jurisdiction. Enjoy the lecture (link)!
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska prelegentem podczas sesji TM5 podczas konferencji INTA w Seattle

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska as a speaker at TM5 session during INTA 140 conference in Seattle

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska took active part on INTA 140 conference in Seattle. She had a speech on  workshop on non-traditional trademark organised by JPO and TM5 group. During the session, speakers from China, EU, Japan, Korea, and U.S. were discussing the issue of Registering Non-Traditional Marks and Proving Acquired Distinctiveness. Klaudia Błach-Morysińska presented the issue of proving...
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Klaudia Błach- Morysińska as a speaker at seminar “Trademarks, Designs and more – AIPPI at the EUIPO” in Alicante

Klaudia Błach- Morysińska as a speaker at seminar “Trademarks, Designs and more – AIPPI at the EUIPO” in Alicante

On the International Day of Intellectual Property (April 26 2018) International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) together with EUIPO organized the seminar “Trademarks, Designs and more – AIPPI at the EUIPO” in Alicante, Spain. The meeting covered the actual topics from IP law, including: functionality in trademarks and designs, interplay and overlap...
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska Członkiem Zarządu AIPPI Polska

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska elected as Board Member of AIPPI Poland

On April 12, 2018 the general assemble of Polish National Group of AIPPI took place. During the meeting the new Board was elected. Klaudia Błach- Morysińska was elected as the Board Member and Reporter of Polish group. Congratulations to the new Board and good luck!
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„Sertaç Köksald 5 seminarium Prawa Własności Intelektualnej„ organizowane przez AIPPI Turcja w Istambule

“Sertaç Köksald 5 Intellectual Property Law Seminar” organized by AIPPI Turkey in Istanbul

On 5-6 April 2018, the National Turkish AIPPI group held “Sertaç Köksald 5 Intellectual Property Law Seminar” in Istanbul. The meeting covered the actual topics from IP law, including: IoT and software-based patent protection in digitalized world, importance of commercialization of intellectual property rights or use obligation for trademarks. Klaudia Błach-Morysińska from ZM Legal was one...
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Szkolenia RODO


Kamil Sękowska – Dzieniarz conduct regular trainings for our clients in the scope of GDPR. Meetings aim to familiarize with the protection of personal data and prepare for the proper performance of duties resulting from the new regulations.
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