
Spotkaj się z Kancelarią Zaborski, Morysiński podczas konferencji INTA Seattle 2018

Meet ZM Legal during INTA Seattle 2017

We will be delighted to meet you during INTA Seattle 2018. Klaudia Błach-Morysińska from ZM Legal will be attending the conference from  May 19th until May 23th.The conference  will be great opportunity to learn more about each other’s businesses and build up or strengthen cooperation. Please feel free to learn more about ZM Legal and to book a meeting directly...
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Adwokat Michał Pratkowski w składzie Komisji Egzaminacyjnej do egzaminu adwokackiego w 2018 r.

Attorney Michal Pratkowski in the composition of the Examination Committee for the bar exam in 2018

We are happy to inform that Minister of Justice appointed our colleague advocate Michal Pratkowski from Zaborski, Morysinski Law Office as a member of the Board of Examiners to conduct the state attorney’s examination in 2018. For many years, Michael Pratkowski gives lectures on all aspects of criminal law and criminal procedure for legal trainees of Warsaw...
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Adwokat dr Marcin Zaborski jest współautorem III tomu "Słownika biograficznego adwokatów polskich"

Attorney at law dr. Marcin Zaborski is the co-author of the third volume of the “Biographical Dictionary of Polish Attorneys”

On February 21, 2018, an author’s meeting devoted to the publication of the “Biographical Dictionary of Polish Attorneys” was held at the headquarters of Warsaw Bar Association. Dr. Marcin Zaborski is the co-author of the third volume of the “Biographical Dictionary of Polish Attorneys”. The origins of the dictionary date back over 40 years, and...
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska prelegentem na warsztatach ECTA

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska as a speaker on ECTAS’s workshop

On December 7, 2017 in Vilnius, ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark Association) organized a workshop on Use of a trade mark in a form differing from the one registered and protection of words in Combined marks. Attorney at law and trademark and patent attorney from ZM Legal gave a lecture on different for of used trademark. The...
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ZM Legal on AIPPI World Congress in Sydney

On 13-17 October 2017 AIPPI World  Congress (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property) took place in Sydney. During the Congress, AIPPI celebrated its 120 anniversary. ZM law office was presented by attorney at law and trademark and patent attorney Klaudia Błach-Morysińska. Klaudia was one of the delegates of Polish National Group. Six resolutions regarding...
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska Rzecznikiem Dyscyplinarnym Polskiej Izby Rzeczników Patentowych

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska elected to Disciplinary Proceedings Representative of Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys

On November 5, 2017 the General Assemble of Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys took place. During the meeting the new Board was elected, where Klaudia Błach- Morysińska was elected as the Disciplinary Proceedings Representative. Congratulations to the new Board and good luck!
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska współautorką rozdziału dotyczącego Polski w „Design Rights. Functionality and Scope of Protection”, Wolters Kluwer 2017.

Klaudia Błach-Morysińska is a co-author of a chapter regarding Poland in „Design Rights. Functionality and Scope of Protection”, Wolters Kluwer 2017.

In May 2017 the newest edition of  „Design Rights. Functionality and Scope of Protection”  was published by Wolters Kluwer.  The publication is a unique guidance for the worldwide law regulations on the design. We are pleased to inform that Klaudia Błach-Morysińska, advocate and trademark and patent attorney from Zaborski, Morysiński Law Office is one of...
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Klaudia Błach-Morysińska o ostatnich zmianach w prawie własności przemysłowej w The Trademark Lawyer

Klaudia Błach-Morysinska with an update on the latest amendments to the Polish Industrial Property Law

In the latest number of the Trademark Lawyer Issue 5/2017 , Klaudia Błach-Morysinska from Zaborski, Morysiński gives insight to the latest amendments to the Polish Industrial Property Law.  The article gives an in-depth explanation of the fundamental aspects of design right law in Poland and how this has adapted over the years. Enjoy the lecture!
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Klaudia Błach Morysińska na rocznym spotkaniu GRUR 2017 w Hamburgu

Klaudia Błach Morysińska on the GRUR 2017 Annual Meeting in Hamburg

From September 27 – 29, Klaudia Błach-Morysinska from Zaborski, Morysiński was networking and discussing intellectual property matters at the GRUR 2017 Annual Meeting in Hamburg. The program of the meeting was very interesting and included presentations of distinguished speakers. Thank you for very good meeting and see you in a year in Berlin.
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AIPPI 2017 Kancelaria Adwokacka Zaborski-Morysiński

Meet Zaborski, Morysiński Law Office during AIPPI Sydney 2017

We will be delighted to meet you during AIPPI Sydney 2017. Klaudia Błach-Morysińska from Zaborski, Morysiński Law Office will be attending the conference from October 13 -17, 2017. The conference  will be great opportunity to learn more about each other’s businesses and build up or strengthen cooperation. Please feel free to learn more about Zaborski, Morysiński Law Office and...
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